
Worship is 24/7 activity for Christians as we seek to worship God in all that we do (Rom 12:1). There is special significance as we gather together though, worshipping in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
We do that in two distinct styles at St Paul’s. At 9am through a traditional liturgical Communion service, including organ music and hymns. At 10.30am we worship in a more contemporary style, with modern, band-led music and far more informal feel. This includes the children for the first 15 minutes and includes Communion once a month. We also offer Prayers For Healing once a month, and prayer ministry within or after each service.
Our worship ministry is overseen by Tom Darwent, our Vicar, supported Joe Lloyd, our Assistant Youth and Worship Pastor. Joe leads our worship bands regularly, supported by three other worship leaders and a variety of other musicians and singers.
We are a New Wine church, also sending groups regularly to Spring Harvest and other Christian festivals. We also play a leading part in join services for Camberley Churches Together as well services of The Point, the monthly Friday night youth congregation that meets at St Paul’s.