Children, Youth and Families
The safety of our children and young people is our priority. Our team of volunteer leaders are DBS checked and have the appropriate level of safeguarding training. For more information on our Safeguarding policies and procedures, please click
Our current Vision & Values for this Ministry Area can be found here:
CYF Vision & Values 2023-2
What's on?
► Kids
Children’s Groups - at the 10.30am service (0-11s). Your children and young people will be split into groups depending on their age and/or school year but don’t worry you will be shown where to go!
We also have regular all age services run by our intergenerational team, which are usually on the second Sunday of the month. For more information on our Sunday services please click
Tot’s Praise – 10.00am - 11:30am (0-5s) at St Paul’s Church Centre
Stay & Play - (Parent & Toddler Group) - 10.00-11.30am (0-4s) at St Paul’s Church Centre (£1 cover charge per child)
► Youth
Youth Hub – 6.00pm-8.00pm (years 7-13) at Heatherside vicarage (bible study, community and prayer)
Youth Group – 7.00-9.00pm (years 7 – 13) £1 per session per young person
The Point – 7.00-9.00pm once a month worship gathering with other local churches where we encourage young people to make Jesus the Point of their lives - hosted by
Camberley YFC
► Events & Socials
We have a number of events and socials throughout the year, keep an eye on our website, and social media channels to find out more as they occur.
► Schools
Our teams work alongside local schools, both primary and secondary, helping with assemblies, mentoring, and lessons. For more info on our work in secondary schools check out
Camberley YFC who we partner with to do this.
► Parents & Guardians
If you are a parent or guardian who would like to learn more about what we do, or be in touch with one of our youth and families team:
Children’s & Families:
Youth team: