
God gave us a vision, which directs all that we do.
Our overall shared Vision:
We are a vibrant, growing church, deepening our relationship with God, seeing lives and our community transformed.
We are doing this through:
Depending on prayer and the Holy Spirit to experience and share God’s love and grace
Planting new ministries and congregations that reach many more for Jesus
Developing our people and our buildings into the heart of our community
Offering help and hope to all
We would like to see:
Lives transformed by Jesus
Praying - Connecting - Growing,
So far it’s led us to run Alpha courses for those exploring faith, start a new church in Deepcut and develop new ministries to children, youth and seniors here at St Paul’s. All of which are backed by bucket-loads of prayer, investment in leaders and projects to develop our website and our buildings. It’s been an exciting journey!
All of our Ministry Areas are working to support this vision, in each of its many aspects.
We’d love you to play your part!