
“Everything comes from You O God; all we are doing is giving back what you have given from your generous hand.” 1 Chronicles 29:14
"Giving back" can be both giving financially or giving your time and skills to help the mission of the church.

Where does our Church’s income actually come from?
At St Paul’s we believe that we should meet our basic costs through planned giving from individuals in the Church, taking full advantage of income tax relief through Gift Aid. Further income is raised through Church Centre & Hall lettings.
Special collections may be held for specific causes, such as during our Christmas Services and as part of our annual gift day.
Where does the money go?
The mission of St Paul’s is to grow the kingdom in Camberley, so your donations support the various church activities in operating its services and outreach work to the parish, through children and families.
We also aim to give 20% of all donations away to those who need it most. This we do via our Missions Committee which includes representatives from local, national and international Christian charities.
A third of the income we receive also goes to the Church of England in its mission to serve God via what is called the “Parish Share.” This covers the cost of vicars and curates, and the work of the Diocese and national church activities.
How do I give to the work of St. Paul’s Church?
Because we want every person to make a prayerful and considered approach to the way we use the money and other material gifts that God has given to us, we do not pass a collection plate around in our services. Instead we ask those committed to the work of God through St. Paul’s to give by standing order or regular online contributions. This allows us to more strategically plan the way we work as a church and what we can give to others.
If you would like to contribute financially to the work of St Paul’s, there are several ways to give:
Direct to the Church bank account at Sort code: 60-04-20, Account number: 01405128 – please use your name as reference
Donate online here - which supports both one-off and regular giving
You could also complete the following form which can then be returned to the church office, by hand, post or email to
Standing order form
If you pay tax, then please fill in a Gift Aid form to allow us to claim back Gift Aid and increase the value of your gift by 25%:
Gift aid form
If you have any questions about giving, both time or money, please contact the ►office.